Friday, September 19, 2014

Surreal fight in Rize involving Uzi, bats, kids, police

This is Sparta ... sorry Rize. The video below is one of the most fantastic fights you can see in YouTube. Some guys come to a grocer. They seem to be there to confront the owner. The owner of the grocer greets them with UZI ... yes UZI! A  sub machine gun which is hard to find even for many mafia organizations. And extremely illegal to possess in Turkey.

The owner of the grocer has an UZI but still calls the police. He must be quite scared. And before the police comes, he lowers his guard one second and one of the guys attacks him with a bat. After attacking a man holding a gun, an ultra fantastic and surrealistic fight begins. The attacker is severely beaten until and after police arrives.

Now the most unreal part. When all these were happening there is a kid in the scene. No one, including the owner who seems to be his dad, thinks about taking him out. Even in the presence of UZI sub machine gun. The boy is important here because after the man with the sub machine gun was attacked, the gun is out of sight for a while. And around the 7th minute into the video, the boy appears with UZI in his hand, watching the fight!

Watch it yourself. This is Rize,  the capital city of Rize Province in the eastern part of the Black Sea Region of Turkey. The gun culture in the region is quite known but having grocer owners with UZI is an extreme even for Rize.

Those who want to know what the hell is going on here : According to some Turkish sources, the grocer has changed hand and these "youngsters" were collecting "protection money" from the previous owner and demanding same from the new owner. Sometime back, this owner was attacked by a guy with knife. 

The youngsters in the video come to the shop to beat the owner. They come in as if they were ordinary customers and do not know each other. Owner realizes one of the guys have a hidden bat and takes UZI out. Some supposed to be attackers flee but owner traps a few in the shop and calls police. Meanwhile he sends out kids to his relatives to inform them (the people attacking the guy fiercely towards the end),

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